Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Responding to Pres. Trump's speech to Congress


"Speaker Paul Ryan: Trump's Speech a Home Run"


Speaker of the House Paul Ryan says President Trump delivered a bold and optimistic speech.


“We now have a government unified around a simple, but important principle: Empowering the people—not Washington—is the way to build a better future for our country.”


The rhetoric of the left and the right have much in common. Everyone wants the people empowered. Everyone wants a better future for our country. Can we stop there, stay there and begin the conversation from where we agree?

I worry when opponents make the other side the enemy, in Ryan's case "Washington." That's when I distrust their motive for as Gore Vidal said, "It's not enough to win. Others must lose."

Who will lose? I wonder how President Trump's call last night for us to be bold and fearless sounded to the good people who don't feel safe here?

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