Thursday, March 9, 2017

Governing the ego


Where are the Republican Party's Leaders?


Ian Tuttle writing in "The National Review" says Pres. Trump's bashing of traditional conservative principles as he ascended to power has left the GOP gun-shy.


"But, of course, this leadership crisis is at root a crisis of faith. The Republican party doesn’t know what it believes right now."


While confidence is a necessary attribute of leadership, hubris is its cancerous over-production. It takes a nimble trick of the ego to realize the attributes that get us into a leadership position are not sufficient for us to lead effectively.

We need the relationships we trampled on our way to the top. We need expert advice. We have to compromise to move forward. We receive the ideas of others and accept their help. Humility comes to us more naturally when we hold dear principles bigger than our selves.

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