An Indispensable Nation After AllSummary
William Murchison in The American Spectator praises Pres. Trump for seeing beyond the Nationalist perspective of "America first" and intervening in Syria.Quote
"George Bush’s democracy-for-everybody line of business was unrealistic; but so, in a world whose dangers he tended to slight, were Barack Obama’s sermons and lectures. If Donald Trump can miraculously steer the indispensable nation between rock-’em-and-sock-’em and oh-mercy-me-what-can-we-do?, ours might prove a safer, freer world."Understanding
Murchison characterizes our opponents as "punks and thugs" who can be subdued by a strong leader willing to assert forceful intervention. He proposes the Trump administration should apply to international affairs the New York City "broken windows" policing strategy of bringing down violent crime through zero tolerance of vandalism.Peace through force is magical thinking as long as we dehumanize our opponents. Even the conservatives cheering Pres. Trump's leadership wish he had a coherent, thoughtful plan or philosophy.
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