Friday, April 14, 2017

Understanding versus indoctrination


PBS Islamic Lesson Plan Encourages Students to Identify with Radical Jihadists

Christian Action Network letter to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos


Breitbart and its like are reporting on a finding from The Heartland Institute (a "free-market think tank") that objects to a lesson plan offered by PBS Learning Media because its one-sided emphasis on the Palestinian perspective indoctrinates young people to sympathize with terrorists.


"The material {sic} go far beyond mere education about the Islamic religion in comparison to other religions. They are undisguised indoctrination materials, effectively a Sunday school class for Islam. The materials encourage impressionable age children to study Islamic prayer, Islamic doctrine (e.g., the Five Pillars), and Islamic practices without any hint that these matters are to be compared to or contrasted with the prayers, doctrines or practices of other religions. They are entirely stand-alone promoting the religion and practice of Islam. The indoctrination materials include worksheets, questions, activities and media that lure children into Islamic worship. "
Attorney letter on behalf of the Christian Action Network


The conservative media gets a twofer with this story because it entwines public broadcasting with Islamic terrorism. Beneath the surface is the conflict between religion and secular humanism. The story also gives us an opportunity to consider the role of critical thinking in education.

The lesson plan is reportedly for 5th through 12th grades. These are young people who are of an age where they are aware of  the news and forming their identity. The lesson plan provides them an opportunity to consider a perspective other than their own and get beneath the headlines. Critics fail to recognize the role the teacher will play in responding to the students' opinions.

Religion and politics merge when it comes to Islam and the combination is combustible. My friend Marcia mentioned last night, "Everyone is afraid."  Indeed. Let's pay attention to how fear drives us and how far we are willing to go, how much we escalate, because of our personal fears.

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